Thursday, December 17, 2009

Loading parts from your last session when opening NX

It's possible to have NX load all your parts/assemblies that were open the last time you worked with NX.

First, you need to switch on the customer default "File → Utilities → Customer Defaults → Gateway → General → Part → Write Bookmark File on Exit". This will make sure that a bookmark file is written as "yourusername_last_context.plmxml" under TEMP directory.

When you want NX to load this bookmark, you can launch NX with the following command :

ugraf.exe -retrieve:%TEMP%\%username%_last_context.plmxml

Or, you could use File-Open to load the .plmxml file.


IM said...

Thanks for this article. I am an NX user in the company I worked in. I want to see more tips on your blog.

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bloger said...

Excuse me, how open file.iges or file.step using terminal Windows?